About Jenn
Jenn here, founder of RE:FORM LAB. I am so excited to be bringing Boutique Group Pilates Reformer + Barre to the Warwick Valley!
First and foremost, I am a mom of 2 beautiful boys. They are the joy of my life and very much keep me on my toes, so staying strong is a must just to keep up with them! I have been teaching Pilates for 15 years and spent 7 of those years as the Director of Pilates and Instructor Trainer for a prominent NYC Boutique Pilates Studio. I’ve had some truly incredible opportunities throughout my career including TV & magazine features, celebrity clients, traveling the world and even consulting in the design of one-of-a-kind custom equipment, but what really lights ME up is being in a room full of people all making a commitment to themselves, pushing their own boundaries & inspiring each other to feel confident and strong in their bodies. So, after spending the last 3 years teaching online, I am ready to get back into the studio and connect with you IRL! Pilates changed my own physical and mental wellbeing and SEEING that transformation happen for others is why I do what I do. I am obsessed with the “light bulb” moments of Pilates and want RE:FORM LAB to be where those happen for YOU!
I also KNOW how hard it can be to take the time you need for yourself. We’ve been conditioned to “get by” with the bare minimum and fit our self-care in around what everyone else needs from us. I am here to change that. I want to give you a beautiful space where you can make YOU a priority, where you can come breathe and move and not be distracted by the 10,000 other things you have on your plate! Your time is PRECIOUS, so I promise to never ever waste one second of it. I have spent 15 years crafting workouts that are efficient, effective, and fun to give you the absolute most bang for your buck. The time flies by and you feel accomplished and ready to take on whatever the rest of your day throws at you.